In recent years the concept of coexistence (coexistence) has been insisted on by our political class and our intellectuals and defined as a strategic goal. Their aim is for all existing components to live together peacefully within the borders of the occupying states. Do not make any classifications of existing components. Putting the distinction between dominant and subjugated nations aside, counting from one point of view; Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Ecem, Circassians, Albanians, etc., should live together peacefully. Territorial differences are also put aside. It is sometimes said in a weak voice that Kurdistan, too, is based on a common policy of living within the borders of the state. Kurdistan is sometimes in the North of Syria, sometimes in the East of Turkey or in the North of Iraq. New arguments have been created for this purpose. “Brotherhood of Peoples”, “Peace of Glory”, “Transition to the Time of Armed War”, “Ecological and Democratic Communities”, “Democratic Confederation”, etc. There is little left to say we want a democratic colonialism. Although their definitions mean this they have not yet said it verbally
In fact, their words seem very attractive, ignorant and humanitarian. Why do patriotic, progressive, democratic, socialist people oppose these concepts? The point is that concepts take on meaning and change meaning not by themselves but within an ideological system. Every system of thought also relies on a system of concepts and the relation of these concepts changes their content or adds a new meaning. These seemingly theoretical propositions and the goals that have been set around them all step into their arguments at a point that is impossible for us. This point is the REALITY OF OUR NATION AND COUNTRY.
The Independent website is an objection to this theoretical and political attack. We are an ancient nation on our own soil. Unity and Independence of Kurdistan is our natural, political and historical right. This constitution is the basis of our ideological and political system.