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Fuat Önen posted on November 17, 2022 07:17

Sir, it is stated that the Azerbaijani administration and government, in cooperation with the Turkish state, are making an intense effort in their own region, which they call Western Azerbaijan, namely Iranian Azerbaijan. Can they make a different attempt to this as a result of a possible separation with the Turkish State towards Iran? Like occupation?

That’s why I tried to explain that general picture, the world after 1990. When we do not understand this overall picture, we cannot understand even a small issue anywhere in the world. Now look, for example, this discussion goes back to the Armenia-Azerbaijan War, and contrary to what everyone expected, Muslim Iran supported Armenia, not Azerbaijan.

Because the states in the region, as well as the superpowers in the world, evaluate the war and political struggle anywhere in the world by placing them in this general picture. We have to do this too.

Now, do you know what part of this issue is? It is the Russia-Ukraine war. The Russo-Ukrainian War made the dominance of energy routes, which was already an important cause of this third war, more current in the Near East. And suddenly, unexpectedly, South Kurdistan Prime Minister Mensur Barzani went to England and met with the British Prime Minister. However, for a hundred years, England was a party that followed a policy against the statehood of Kurdistan. But the war between Russia and Ukraine has made alternative energy routes more up-to-date, and an important part of these alternative energy routes has to pass through Kurdistan. As such; Well, he had to meet with the Prime Minister of Southern Kurdistan.

Now here too, the Turks, the Turkish state in the region, are trying to play sub-imperial roles in the region. In other words, especially since 2014-2015, the Turkish state has highlighted sub-imperial ambitions. For the first time, they turned to occupation and war outside of the borders of the state. This is a first in the history of the Republic of Turkey.

Now, one of these sub-imperial goals is the effort to make the Republic of Turkey hegemon in that world, which they call the Turkish world.

This was one of the main reasons for their active participation in the Azerbaijan-Armenia war. At this point, it is a state with Iran, with Iran’s sub-imperial ambitions. In other words, Iran is a state that is waging war in five or six countries outside its borders. Iran has aspirations for a sub-imperial state that started before Turkey and is actually stronger in perspective than Turkey.

Turkey’s main position in the Kurdistan issue is still defense. However, he constructs this defense as a forward defense. And war spreads. In other words, this is the war he is waging in Western Kurdistan, Southern Kurdistan. Therefore, the relationship between Iran and Turkey; It is a relationship-contradiction ball. In other words, while Turkey tries to act with the Shanghai nine as an alternative to NATO and the European Union, Iran has an important role in that Shanghai cooperation. In other words, Russia’s main ally in the Near and Middle East is Iran, not Turkey.

Between these two states, they act together when it comes to the Kurdistan issue. They face each other in terms of their sub-imperial ambitions. For this reason, Iran is uncomfortable with Turkey’s relations with Azerbaijan. But if Turkey pays attention, in this last two-month period of rebellion; The Turkish state is silent. In other words, the uprisings there, the massacres there, the Turkish state is silent even though there are Azeri kinsmen there. The reason for this silence is because of his relationship with Iran and the ball of contradictions. Where does this bring them, when does it face each other? We cannot know it. I think we should guess what they’re doing and focus on what we’re going to do ourselves.

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